Monday, June 29, 2009


For the second consecutive year, Post Falls will hold a free fireworks show and concert at Q'emiln Park on the Spokane River on the 4th of July. The Post Falls Community Volunteers are spearheading the event and Tuxedo Junction will play "big band" music. The show and concert are open to the public. Shuttle busses will take people to and from the park. Plan to attend and bring the family! SHUTTLE BUS SCHEDULE: free shuttle busses will be available every 15 minutes from City Hall, RedLion Templins and Black Bay Park from 6 p.m. to 11 p.m.

Friday, June 26, 2009

June's Volunteer of the Month...

June's Volunteer of the Month Craig Hampton from Idaho Commerce and Labor.
Craig put in over 80 hours on a project that touched the lives of over 220 local high school students for the Reverse Job Fair. Craig’s work with the Dept of Labor revolves around his helping businesses with their recruitment efforts and helping individual job seekers to find employment.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Greater Post Falls Open 2009

The annual Post Falls Chamber golf tournament was a great success thanks to our sponsors and players. Even rain and wind for most of the day didn't dampen the enthusiasm of everyone. Click here to see the day's action and team photos.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

NIC Student Designs Logo

Ron Nilson and Paul Anderson of the Kootenai Technical Education Campus congratulate North Idaho College student Grant Hoki (center) on his winning design of the KTEC logo. The students in the NIC graphic design program were invited to submit logo designs for the organization, which is a consortium that supports the development of a professional-technical high school campus.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Hungarian House Guests

Chamber President/CEO Pam Houser and her husband, Rich are hosting two elite/pro Ironman athletes from Hungary. Csoke Balazs (#31), on left and Nagy Gergely (#39), on right, visited with the Boys and Girls Club of Kootenai County on Thursday. The athletes answered questions, demonstrated their special racing bikes and signed autographs for nearly 100 young fans.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Community Star

Congratulations to Randy Oaks of Dickinson Insurance for receiving Panhandle State Bank's annual Community Star award! Randy is a tireless volunteer whose ongoing efforts on the Chamber's capital building fund are making a difference. Randy serves on the Chamber's executive board. He's designated the Boys and Girls Club of Kootenai County to receive the $1,000. From left to right: PSB staffers Heather Kinsey, Barb McCarley, Jack Reiswig (Branch Manager), Kacie LaMastus, Randy Oaks, Jerry Smith (President of PSB), Chanelle Bligh

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Thanks Ambassadors!

The Ambassadors met over lunch time to help put together player packets for the Chamber golf tourney on June 19. Still time to put a team together and sign up for the fun!

Party at Panhandle State Bank

The annual summer After Hours in the parking lot is Thursday, June 11 from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m.. Jack and the Panhandle Bank staff are great hosts and add music by Kelly Hughes, give aways and the announcement of the Community Star Award and it's all good. 3235 E. Mullan Avenue, Post Falls

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Congratulations Megan & James!

Our Administrative Assistant Megan Hunt married James Ownbey on Saturday and will be out of the office on her honeymoon this week. We'll try to get by without her. :)

Post Falls on Parade!

Post Falls was showcased in the annual parade on Saturday, June 6. The business community stepped up and stepped out. Parade sponsors Community 1st Bank, Dickinson Insurance and Ground Force Mfg. pleased the crowd with their parade entries, too! See more photos of the parade and the spectators here and here.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Community 1st Bank

Dave Bobbitt and the outstanding staff of Community 1st Bank hosted their 2nd Annual Anniversary BBQ on June 4. Here are photos in case you missed the fun!